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Marianne Rankin

I always suspected that you wore many hats, Jean-Marc, and I've learned about a few more. I'm most impressed.

A couple of weeks after the wine-tasting and dinner in Washington, D.C., I made a return trip to pick up a bottle of your rose. I'm looking forward to a friend's visit when we will drink some of that, plus Mistral and Dentelle.

A bon vin point d'enseigne!

Michele Kawamoto Perry

You are multi-talented Jean-Marc. Can't think of a better person to be running the winery and tending to the vineyards. Looking forward to trying the 2009 wines!!

Amber, Peoria IL

Doug and I were just thinking of you last night as we drank a WONDERFUL bottle of Mistral '08! It was so "delish" and the smell, the taste....it took us right back to Provence! Merci pour votre incroyable vin! We will always treasure our visit to see you and always know that we are only a drink away!

When something looks easy, there is ALWAYS a lot of work and many hats that go with it! However, please know that is doesn't go unappreciated!

I hope you are feeling well...I mean it when I say "A votre sante!"

Amber Hopwood

Pat Cargill

Mercis for the update and cheers to you and all your helpers who create the wonderful Rouge-Bleu wines. It was good to see you once again in D.C. It takes a lot of love, dedication and the many, many hats - which you described - to make your dream come true. Congratulations for another successful year and best wishes for years to come.

Suzanne, Monroe Twp., NJ

Ah, so many hats and you wear them all well! We really enjoyed seeing you in DC in March. Bon chance with the growing season.


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